A Key to Stimulating Muscle Growth

*We are almost three months into the new year. How are you doing with your fitness goals for 2025? Here is an article to help you stay motivated! If you have worked out for any length of time, you have probably wondered at some point, “What can I do to speed up my progress?” I

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A Trip Back to the Future?

A while back, I read a blog that said, “We need to get back to the ways of the First Century Church. The modern Church needs to be more like the Church that we see in the Book of Acts.” Based on the conext, I think that what the writer was saying was that the

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Where is the Peace?

“Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything.” Fear and worry have become prevalent in our society. I meet so many people that are genuinely scared about their future and the future of our country. The past few years have provided challenges and obstacles to all of us. Many people have dealt with financial, health, or

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Who Are You Becoming?

“If you pursue the journey to dream wildly, live differently, love recklessly, and lead courageously all for the glory of God you will discover a life that is well-lived. Don’t just do something—become someone! Wake up every day and choose to be who God has called you to be.” Tim Mannin What a challenging statement!

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